Saturday, December 24, 2005
Fall on Your Knees
Midnight mass is my favorite. I really like the Episcopal service, and this priest and his homily were incredible. Then we all lit candles and sang silent night, it was pretty much adorable. I love slow christmas songs so so much because they remind me of lullabies, and that really makes me think of baby Jesus. (don't worry kids, this isn't about to turn into major corniness)
But so many times I've really thought that the whole Christ-story is so silly. But on nights like tonight, I really really get the meaning behind it. Like, it happened when it did, but Christ could've just as easily been born in 2005. Time's not really relievant, you know?
The point is, the world is hurting and crying and feeling like this is all for nothing, and if the stars are nothing but burning gas then what's the point anyway? And so you feel like you're being absolurely smothered by the darkness, and what does God do? He doesn't just turn on the sun and BLAST out the darkness like some kind of super hero. He doesn't turn on the runway lights or build a bon fire.

He lights a candle.

I mean, of all things, God sends a baby. A baby? Pretty much the most frail thing I can think of. You don't look at a baby and feel protected or saved. You look at a baby, and YOU feel love for HIM. And there's the hope, ladies and gentlemen: you can feel love.
And there's when I get lost in Christianity. The point of the story isn't that God lit a fire for anyone, the point of the story is that there is fire at all! And whether it's real, or made up, or silly, I couldn't tell you. Maybe anyone could be Christ if we just looked at his life closely enough.

A baby- a BABY- can you imagine? You look at a newborn baby, and I don't care if he's the Christchild or not, all you want to do is love him and protect him. Good lord, the world is saved all over again every single day.

I hope everyone goes to sleep feeling warm and loved tonight. I hope everyone listens to "Oh Holy Night" at least once this Christmas, and gets chills at the"fall on your knees" part. I hope everyone has a merry christmas, and if you don't celebrate christmas, then that's fine, and I hope you still get the point.


Blogger Ryan Cooper said...

Merry Christmas Lindsey. You rule.

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