Sunday, November 19, 2006
I Can't Wait to Figure Out What's Wrong with Me, So I Can Say, "This Is the Way That I Used to Be."
"Africa? How was Africa? Africa was amazing. Africa is amazing. Africa is a million and one things. It is a land of contradictions, and a land of great controversy. Africa is more diverse than any other place on the planet. It has experienced the greatest combination of foreign thievery and foreign goodwill. It is plagued with individuals who are hurting, dirty, and dying. It is plagued with rich leaders. It is strong, joyful and resilient. Africa is filled to the brim with song, dance and soccer. It feels your lungs with life with every burnt breath. It feels your eyes with tears with every sight. The sun blazes, the rain pours. It has more sky than your eyes could possibly take in. Africa is humbling. Africa rips the heart out of your chest and buries it in the rich red soil, knowing that you will someday return, to see the growth. And there is no doubt it will grow. Africa is dangerous, welcoming, and addictive. It is prosperous. It is poor. It is all too overwhelming. Africa knows the value of friendship. Time is not money in Africa. And money goes a long way. Africa holds a mirror up to your soul - letting you see all your selfish desires, and not letting go, until you're completely broken."

-Invisible Chilren


Blogger Grace said...

Have you read Cry, the Beloved Country? I read it a couple years ago, and I'll be honest, I don't remember much about it, though I know I liked it.

My favorite thing about it still is that title. Isn't it beautiful?

Blogger Ryan Cooper said...

I've read that book. You can borrow it if you want to Ms. Mullen.

Cool new blog layout.

Blogger Ryan said...

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Blogger Ryan said...

The world is such a strange place, because if everyone did their part, it would be perfect, but since it doesn't work like that, there have to be people like you, who put almost all of themselves into making things better, so that the world can keep going.

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