Tuesday, April 04, 2006
One Day I Slowly Floated Away.
It's 6:48 a.m. ladies and gentlemen. Why, you may ask, am I awake at such an ungodly hour? Well, my dears, I'm afraid I have no one to blame but myself. I am awake because I have a paper due in exactly 1 hour and 12 minutes, and I neglected to begin said paper until about 1:30 this same morning. I also neglected to read one of the books that said paper in on until 1:30 this same morning. So, I've just pulled one of those infamous college all-nighters. I'm finished now though, and all I have to do now is stay awake for about 2 and a half more hours. No problemo ladies and gentlemen, no prob-lem-o.

So, throughout these past two semesters, I feel like there's been this kind of pressure on me to be in a relationship, or at least to be looking for a relationship. Well, we're down to the final stretch, and so, the pressure's off! Yay. Guess what? I'm going to be at Camp McDowell all summer, so there's just no way I can enter a relationship right now. I don't know why that's so great, but, gee, it is.

Four minutes til I get to trot downstairs and wake up my dear Spyan Rain. It's pretty likely that he'll be very grumpy this morning. I don't know that for sure, but that's my bet. I'll fill you in on his mood status later, and I swear I'll tell the truth even if I have to lie.

Next week's resolution: prioritize sleep maybe? Or makeout with somebody new. I really want to make-out with somebody new.


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