Monday, March 20, 2006
Swallow It Down (What a Jagged Little Pill).
I read Grace's blog, religiously, so I am offcially tagged to list 6 weird things about myself... Let's see if I can think of six...

1. Ok, every time I drive home from Tuscaloosa, I am absolutely certain that I'm going to have a wreck and die, and I think about who will come to my funeral and what they will say. I think about all the things I don't want people to say too. Don't you dare say that I'm going to heaven because of my faith in Christ. If that's what's getting me to heaven, I want no part of it.

2. I don't believe in hell- that's pretty weird. I consider myself a Christian though... I just think that grace is for everyone, whether he earns it or wants it or whatever. I think that's kind of the point.

3. I don't like tomato soup or potato salad, but every time I see them I try them anyway. So far I still don't like them, but I think that they're both really good ideas, and I don't want to miss out on them in case they ever become my favorite food.

4. I'm pretty compulsive about pronoun anecedents.

5. I get really hung up on names, especially names of bands. It takes a lot for me to listen to a band if I don't like the name. I wouldn't listen to Deathcab for Cutie forever; I still have to talk myself into it some times.

6. Starting this year, I listen to Christmas music year round. I always resisted the urge before, but I decided not to turn them off this year. I mean, if I die in my 20's, I want to know that "Jingle Bell Rock" has been a big part of my life. Also, "Carol of the Bells."

So, there you have it. That was easier than I thought; I can actually think of more things to list than that!

So, I now tag

  1. Rachel
  2. Genevieve
  3. Matt Wujcik
  4. Ryan Cooper
  5. Ryan Spain
  6. Sarah Widgeon

If none of ya'll do then I'll cry, and egg your car. If you don't have a car, I'll egg your face.

Also, I'm in Ohio right now. Laura and I drove 13 hours today! I'll probably do a really long road trip post later though, so I'm not going to fill you in right now. I will say that I'm going to Canada tomorrow though.


Blogger Ryan Cooper said...

Oh I'm obligated to post something Lindsey. And you know what, I AM jealous!!!

Have a fun spring break!

Blogger Grace said...

I do that funeral thing... pretty much all the time... I'm so vain...

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