Wednesday, April 05, 2006
If I Were a Butterfly, I Would Thank You, God, for Giving Me Wings, But She's the One I'd Credit for My Knowledge of Flight.
My older sister is the reason that I am a cool person.

Grace called me today and moved me to tears with her sheer selflessness. Seriously, if you aren't in love with my older sister, you probably don't know her. If it weren't for Grace, I would be shallow, selfish, and pretty dull. She's the reason I like myself. I trust her more than any other person in the world. I depend on her more than she knows.

I know that you're reading this Grace, so it's weird to talk about you as if you weren't, but I want you to know that when I said you're my hero, I wasn't kidding. Some times I start to worry that you're so busy helping everyone else with their wings that you're missing out on flying, but really, I don't think that's true. I should really be worrying that everyone, including me, forgets that you've been flying all along.

Honestly, when I stop and think about you as a person, it brings tears to my eyes. You're phenomenal. You're successful. Especially now that I'm in college I realize all that you've overcome, and how amazingly strong you are to have come out on top. I really think that what's got you so unsettled at the moment is that you were born for bigger things, and that's hard. I mean, you're successfully living on your own with people you love, working, in college... it's a dream, but it's not a dream, because you were born to save lives and write poetry and teach people how to love again.

You're not overwhelmed, you're underwhelmed, and there is just so much and so little to be done right now.

If you want to sell everything you own and take off across America, I have absolute faith that the world rearrange itself to accommodate you. If you want to go get artificially inseminated and have a baby, I say that's the luckiest semen in the world. If you want to drop everything and go live with someone hot who you met on the internet, I know beyond the shadow of a doubt that you'll turn that person into someone better than he was, and he'll know it.

I am infinitely sure of your ultimate okayness, and that's not something that I can say for a lot of people.

Grace, I don't know if you know this, but you taught me how to really love myself. You taught me how to be selfless without losing myself. You taught me kindness, you taught me tolerance, you taught me poetry. You're the person I call when I start to doubt myself; you're the reason I'm ok. As amazing as you are, the fact that you love me makes me sure that I can't be all bad.

Until I wrote this, I never really thought about how much I really aspire to be like you. I try to love people the way you love them, and I want people to think of me the way they think of you. I want to give people the kind of real peace that you give me.

I hope you know how grateful I am for you.


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