For those of you who truly truly love me, you can send me a letter or a package!
Lindsey Mullen
c\o Camp McDowell
105 DeLong Rd.
Nauvoo, AL 35578
OR, better yet, you can come visit me, or call me and invite me to visit you, and I will certainly do my best to do so! Here's a link to camp schedule... The days when there are no sessions are the days that I am off. BUT, should you call me sometime when I am in session you may simply leave be a message, and rest assured that if I love you enough, then I will return your phone call.
Wonderful people today for too short of a visit. I'll miss you kids :(.
It's going to be an exciting summer though, and I'm sure it will absolutely fly by. And I'll be seeing you all in less than 3 months, right?